Updated 2025.03.18
* name of the expansion: Stellar Monarch 2: Old Dynasties
* name of the base game: Stellar Monarch 2
* platform: PC
* genre: strategy, 4X, empire builder, grand strategy, turn-based
* theme: space
* players: singleplayer
* release date (PC): Planned for April 2025 (the expansion is finished & tested, so delay is unlikely)
* base price: $9.99
* studio: Silver Lemur Games
* designer: Chris Koźmik (Krzysztof Koźmik)
Stellar Monarch 2 is a grand strategy 4X where you are the emperor not a logistics officer. It focuses on the grand scale of things with no micromanagement. There are noble houses, rebels, assassins, disloyal admirals.
Old Dynasties expansion focuses s on noble houses and internal politics of the Empire by introducing new mechanics and events.
Major features:
* THE ROYAL FAMILY – Now all members of the ruling noble house have a predefined role and personality. They will frequently attend the audience with various requests, ideas and proposals. Some of those are beneficial and some just cause problems.
* INTRIGUE – New statistic called Intrigue, which can be raised by several event options. When it reaches a certain threshold, a bad event triggers and the intrigue escalates. Then the cycle repeats itself, each time getting more severe.
* VASSALS – Minor noble houses that are always vassals of a Great House. The Great Houses compete for the vassal contracts with each other.
* TRADITIONS – Each house has a tradition and its bonus is active if the relations with the house are cordial or better.
* RENEGADE HOUSES – Great houses can be declared renegade, which deprives them of their voting rights in the Council and they lose a substantial amount of F.E.D, shares, fiefs and authority. However If too many houses become renegade the people might start losing faith in the whole monarchistic system. You can make a Great House renegade as a punishment for rebelling or arbitrarily as a tyrannical action, but that would not be received well by other Great Houses.
* DEMOTE A GREAT HOUSE – Renegade houses can be stripped of their Great House status and replaced by a worthy minor house. The minor house would take over most of their assets.
* DISSOLVE THE GREAT COUNCIL – A new option to dissolve the Great Council. While it’s not cheap and would cause a turmoil in the Empire, when successful makes you the sole person who can Vote.
* NEW POLITICAL AGENDAS – Two new political agendas “Desire vassals” and “Desire F.E.D. shares”. There is also a way to persuade the house to change some of their political agendas.
* STAR KNIGHTS ORDER – A guaranteed early game event allows you to establish a Star Knights Order, a force loyal to the Empire which can be sent on various missions, crush rebels, subdue riots, invade alien facilities, etc. All this for the glory of the Emperor.
* NEW EVENTS – Many new random events (in addition to Star Knights, Intrigue and Family events) divided into early, mid and late game.
* OTHER SMALLER THINGS – New temporary modifiers to gain from events. New options for existing events from the base game (for example the banquet got new options to manipulate Vassals). And other smaller adjustments.
* Email: silverlemurgames@gmail.com
* Homepage (studio): http://www.SilverLemurGames.com
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/SilverLemur
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SilverLemurGames
* YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SilverLemur
* Announcement Trailer (expansion): https://youtu.be/FYA7PFCMUp4
* Homepage (game): http://www.SilverLemurGames.com/stellarmonarch2
* Steam (base game) (PC): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1437750/Stellar_Monarch_2/
* Steam (expansion) (PC): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2775010/Stellar_Monarch_2_Old_Dynasties/
* GOG (base game) (PC): https://www.gog.com/game/stellar_monarch_2
* GOG (expansion) (PC): https://www.gog.com/game/stellar_monarch_2_old_dynasties
GoogleDrive press kit: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1TQqviL2B6qOdnUAcvIrX1z9qwoD0eAwJ (screenshots, banners, etc)