Author Archives: Chris

Legends of Amberland version 1.14

Version 1.14 released

This version has some nice features like keyboard support for spells selection, which was requested a lot, and autosaves upon entering a new location. There was one dialogue line added to Sir Thercion since it was confusing to some players and all text was spellchecked. There was also one more thing, a rebalance. Typically, at this stage of a game’s life I refrain from balance changes. Since the game is complete and I do not want to interfere with games already in progress. But I decided two changes were needed. First was a rebalance of healing spells. I was watching some playthroughs and I concluded that mid and late game spells simply do not provide enough healing since at that stage characters can have like 500 HPs, so I have increased these spells efficiency and decreased arcane requirements. Second was Insane difficulty rebalance. The common feedback was that Insane difficulty was not fun due to the amount of damage monsters deal. So, I tried to rebalance it without changing difficulty too much. Now monsters on Insane deal less damage but have higher HPs, also their power is more evenly spread (in v1.3x branch the monsters on Insane were relatively easy at the beginning and then became too powerful at the end). Hard difficult got some adjustments as well, but much more minor in comparison. All those changes are properly propagated using your old saves, so you can continue your playthrough with the new version rules without any problems.

– [feature] Autosave upon entering a new location (creates an autosave.sav file).

– [balance] On Hard slightly lowered monsters damage and slightly increased monsters HPs.
– [balance] Heavy rebalance of Insane difficulty. Overall, monsters now deal significantly less damage but have more HPs (to avoid situation when the whole party was wiped out in one area attack). In addition, difficulty starts to scale earlier, so (it’s harder at the beginning and not that deadly at the very end).
– [balance] Elven Song/Elven Touch spells rebalanced (higher mastery levels increased Arcane requirements and amount of HPs restored).
– [balance] Power Heal/Mass Power Heal spells rebalanced (significantly reduced Arcane requirements and increased amount of HPs restored).

– [misc] Move to new engine (technical upgrade).
– [misc] Sir Thercion got a dialogue line reacting to slaying the Red Dragon (purely cosmetic, not changing the gameplay in any way, no additional reward or anything). It was a bit confusing to some players that he has not noticed the feat you did, some even reported it as a bug, so I have added a line where he acknowledges it.
– [misc] Spellcheck (all story & content related, not UI).

– [interface] Spells can be selected using keyboard.
– [interface] New check boxes.

– [fix] Monster HPs were not increased properly by the game difficulty level.
– [fix] Griffin/teleport effect position adjusted (visual glitch).

Legends of Amberland coming to Nintendo Switch this month!

Today I got an official announcement from Pineapple Works, the porting company who was tirelessly working on Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown port for Nintendo Switch in the last months. The port is done and ready and it’s going to be released this month! The exact date is 20 April 2020. Yay!

Legends of Amberland on Nintendo eShop

Here is how it could look on your desk, just look at it and tell me you can resist!

Stellar Monarch version 1.44

Version 1.44 released

Technical update, the game was moved to a new version of the engine which for example allows a special 4K Ultra HD UI rescaling. If you experience some problems, please report it. Also you can use a Steam “legacy” branch which contains the old v1.43. There is also one long awaited feature. Steam achievements! Just a few and it’s more of an experimental feature but they are here.

– [feature] New 4K “Very Big UI” Video option (fonts are even bigger now, useful for people with 4K monitors).
– [feature] BIG UI/Very BIG UI reacts to screen size (will autodisable if resolution is too small).

– [misc] Steam Achievements (just a few).
– [misc] Engine upgrade.

– [fix] Rare bug where transdimensional invasion was not starting if you have previously beat invasion in another game before quitting the game (so it triggered only if you beat transdimensional aliens and then encountered them the second time without quitting the game which explains why no one encountered & reported this bug for so long).

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown available on GOG!

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown available on GOG!

After a long journey Legends of Amberland finally arrived on GOG store. This ancient online store contains tons of old games which inspired the game and it’s a perfect fit for it. I’m quite happy it will be available there alongside so many great classics I remember from my childhood!

In addition, there will be GOG Connect enabled (for one week) which is a nice option for all people who bought the game elsewhere and wanted to have all their games on their GOG library.

Also, all people who bought the “Support The Developer Edition” via the official website (before GOG release) will be getting GOG keys which I will be sending shortly.

Legends of Amberland version 1.13.2

Version 1.13.2 released

This version fixes two bugs, one of them being quite annoying and adjusted the map a tiny little bit to allow you to uncover 100% of the overworld. Plus standard improvements.

– [misc] Slightly adjusted the map to allow you to uncover the whole map (cosmetic change which allows you to uncover the whole mountain range). It does not affect the gameplay in anyway, just changed some mountains to water tiles, it does not open any new routes or anything. It’s purely for people who want to uncover the whole map.
– [misc] Improved monster dying animation.
– [misc] Changed description of two locations.
– [misc] Spelling fixes.

– [interface] Adjusted the color of an unselected button.

– [fix] Hit icon sometimes not being displaying if the monster attacks.
– [fix] Highlighting non-existant characters during combat if less than 7 characters are selected upon game start.

Legends of Amberland coming to Nintendo Switch

It’s official now, Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown is coming to Nintendo Switch this year!

In the last year I was pestered by various individuals about the Nintendo Switch. They claimed it would be a sure hit on Switch. For me, never really playing on consoles, it was a black magic and I was kind of sceptical. But why not I thought, if it was to be someone else doing the port I could go for it. Shortly after I started looking for someone to do the port, I was contacted by a mysterious company called Pineapple Works. They preyed their eyes on Amberland for a while and were just waiting for the right time to make the offer. They were quite enthusiastic about it and the deal was fair and decent. So, I went with it.

Soon after, when we met at GIC in Poland, they handed me their Nintendo with Legends of Amberland running. I started to play and… then it instantly struck me, IT MIGHT WORK! No, IT WILL WORK! If someone like me, who never owned a console could instantly go into it and play it and it was so flawless, and mind you it was just a quick dirty tech version for my eyes only, then how it will be perceived by people who know how to play and after it’s finished and polished? That’s the time when I believed in it.

Many months later, after a long and uneasy journey they said the Nintendo Switch version is ready. One thing I would like to mention and assure you is that I was involved in the process and I can guarantee that the story and gameplay was not watered down in any way. It is a faithful and a very accurate port, just as the author envisioned. The people from Pineapple Works made a really good job! It’s a fine port for sure.

The Nintendo Switch release is planned for late March 2020 and it will be localized to several languages. The exact date and exact languages will be disclosed later.

Stellar Monarch version 1.43

Version 1.43 released

A big autonomous fleets overhaul. I the last month or so I was brooding over how autonomous fleets should be tweaked to make them more intuitive and efficient. There are two big changes, one in how the offensive fleets process conquest orders and second is the introduction of patrol squadrons which are used by defensive fleets. As usual, all this is explained in tooltips ingame. One more change for the expansion, now you can prioritize planets for Astro Engineers which gives you more control over which planet is going to be terraformed next.

– [feature] Redo of autonomous fleets conquest orders processing. Now fleets can not “reserve” the conquest order but instead the first eligible (which has the target planet within area of responsibility) fleet that is ready will execute the order. So, now multiple fleets can prepare an offensive vs a target planet and the first one that’s ready will execute it. The remaining fleets that targeted that planet will retarget.
– [feature] Added patrol squadrons which are used as a fast reaction/reserve forces for defensive fleets. Those will be sent to newly colonized/conquered planets in order to strengthen the defences till the regular guard squadrons can be properly created and reinforced.
– [feature][expansion#1] Now you can prioritize a planet for Astro Engineers (for all purposes, Terraforming and satellites). A planet that is manually prioritized by the Emperor has a much higher priority on the Astro Engineers task list. The priority AE marker is shown on the starmap (similar to prioritize exploration marker).

– [engine] No more forcing dedicated GFX card if two cards are present (while it fixed wrong configurations on some machines it disallowed use of integrated card if the player wished so which was desired in some situations). Now it reacts to system configuration.

– [interface] New patrol squadrons selector on Fleet/Orders.

– [fix] Incorrect Stormtroopers gain.
– [fix] Game version was sometimes displayed incorrectly after loading an old save.

Stellar Monarch version 1.42.1

Version 1.42.1 released

Another quick update, mostly related to the expansion and spelling fixes.

– [balance][expansion#1] Double AE costs for all Astro Engineers actions (satellites, terraforming, megastructures). Note you can adjust some of those (via Advanced Customization settings) for example if you want to have earlier megastructures.
– [balance][expansion#1] Astro Engineer’s asteroid fields mining is scaled to the number of planets now (more intuitive and balanced).

– [misc][expansion#1] Now Astro Engineer’s asteroid fields mining will be auto enabled even if selected None priority if there are no other valid tasks available (zero waste policy).
– [misc] A lot of spelling fixes.

– [fix][expansion#1] Astro Engineers bug.