Author Archives: Chris

Stellar Monarch 2 version 1.21

Version 1.21 released

This version is the last one before the new expansion is out and contains various improvements which went to the base game during the expansion development. A new feature, when you accumulate a lot of secrets the Head of the house will visit you on their own and propose some deal (many people were forgetting about the Secrets mechanic, now it’s much more straightforward and you don’t need to remember to capitalize on known secrets). Simplified interaction with the head of the house (now there is just a single “Summon to audience” button). Changed randomization of some important events to prepare for influx of new regular random events in the expansion (so those do not compete with each other and so the periodic events are truly periodic no matter how many regular events there are). Manual has been updated. Many usual adjustments and improvements (interface related mostly) and fixes (one quite important).

Also, do not forget to wishlist the expansion now!

– [feature] If you know at least 3 secrets of a house, there is a chance the head of the house will appear during an audience and offer you some deal to forget those (you also have an option to expose them).

– [misc] “F.E.D. Directorship meeting” events are now guaranteed to be called regularly over time (removed from random events pool).
– [misc] Simplified “Summon head of the house to an audience” (merged into a single button).
– [misc] Spouse of a head first dialogue option requires 3 secrets instead of 5 for exchange of favors (to make it in par with the new event where the head visits and offer favors for forgetting secrets).

– [interface] Audience Prev/Next buttons got hotkeys (“<" and ">“).
– [interface] House screen got Prev/Next buttons. Note that those selects houses based on order of seniority (not relations).
– [interface] Mini buttons for houses now also close Help if open.
– [interface] Event effect tooltips showing person stats (Competence/Loyalty/Charisma/Authority/Monarchism) colored with the custom stat’s color.
– [interface] Event effect tooltips showing house stats (Authority/Monarchism) colored with the custom stat’s color.
– [interface] Interact with house button slightly bigger.
– [interface] Tooltips for all alien relations change now shows the aliens crests.

– [manual] Updated manual (also added special [u] tag for displaying colored hotkeys).

– [fix] Ships never miss (the whole accuracy system was broken).
– [fix] Rename house UI window open when switching to another house.
– [fix] Reform slider was missing button arrow icons.

You can follow my Steam Developer Page if you wish to be notified each time a new game or expansions is being released.

Also, if you have a moment to leave a Steam review of the game it would be appreciated. It makes a big difference to an indie developer like me. Thanks!

Release date and announcement trailer for upcoming Stellar Monarch 2 “Old Dynasties” expansion

The first expansion for Stellar Monarch 2 is scheduled for April this year!

The “Old Dynasties” expansion for feudal ruler simulator called Stellar Monarch 2 is about to be released. It will be out in a few weeks, 23 April 2025 to be precise, on Steam and GOG.

The expansion focuses on noble houses and internal politics of the Empire. Many new mechanics introduced (intrigue, vassals, renegade houses, demoting great houses, traditions, option to dissolve the great council, star knights order, new political agendas, etc) and a lot of new audience events.

Announcement Trailer for the upcoming expansion

Designer’s notes

My goal for the expansion was to increase the depth and replayability of the game without introducing needless complexity. Almost everything is tied to audience events or as an option to existing features, only a single “Dissolve the Great Council” button was added. The rest is done via new icons, tooltips and audience events. Overall, the game should play just like the base game, but better.
Have fun!

Wishlist it now (on Steam and GOG)!

Wishlist “Old Dynasties” expansion on GOG

Legends of Amberland II version 1.23

Version 1.23 released

This version introduced Spanish translation, some small fixes and improvements and deals with a particular GPU problem. Apparently, some (maybe all?) laptop manufacturers do no install drivers to the integrated GPU card if a dedicated card is included as well. Presumably their thinking was that no one would use those since a superior card is present. Which is true for most games, but since Legends of Amberland series is gentle on GPU, OS can decide that a lower performance GPU should be used to preserve energy, so it switches to the integrated GFX card and… the game does not work because the GPU has no drivers installed. The workaround was to force the OS to always use the best GFX card available. Have fun!

– [misc] ES full translation and minor fixes to other translations.
– [misc] Upgraded third party libraries (among other things some national characters in some languages look more clear now).

– [interface] Adjusted monsters zone (damage markers position). Somewhat more pleasant visually now.
– [interface] Monster info screen redesign (including list of all attacks on monster info (with damage and effects)).

– [fix] Spellbook button incorrectly greyed out when can’t cast selected spell (should be greyed out only when no magic talent or zero MP).
– [fix] Engine update with an important GFX card fix (force use of the best GFX card).

You can follow my Steam Developer Page if you wish to be notified each time a new game or expansions is being released.

Also, if you have a moment to leave a Steam review of the game it would be appreciated. It makes a big difference to an indie developer like me. Thanks!

Port of Legends of Amberland II delayed

Nintendo Switch and XBOX port delayed

Due to circumstances outside my control, port of Legends of Amberland II: The Song of Trees for Nintendo Switch and XBOX will not be finished in 2024 as originally planned. Most likely it will be out on those platforms somewhere in 2025 but at the moment I can not give any specific dates. Expect an update on the port status somewhere around first half of 2025.

In the meantime you can play the game on Steam Deck (Verified).

Sorry for the delay!

Stellar Monarch 2 version 1.20

Version 1.20 released

In this version combat mechanics were adjusted, improved, fixed and clarified. It’s a bit fuzzy what is a new feature, what was wrongly explained and what was broken (it was a mixed bag of stuff), so I just listed all those as “misc”. Some stuff was also simplified (like missiles locking each combat round instead every second round). I also took the opportunity and redesigned and expanded the armor type vs weapon type dynamic. Overall, this version cleaned up some messy stuff related to combat. Oh yes, also traditional small fixes (spelling related mostly).

– [misc] More hull types and weapon types (Laser, Particle Beam, Plasma Gun, Graviton Lance), also Ion renamed to Particle Beam. Added to weapon tooltips the exact effect. Some hull types now have a different weapon type.
– [misc] Missiles attempt to lock on a target enemy ship each combat round (not every second round). The average number of missiles locking per combat round is similar (the change is only to make it less confusing).
– [misc] 50% damage goes to Shields and 50% to Hull (was explained incorrectly in the tooltip). Actually, I was wondering which one is the bug, the mechanic or the tooltip. Decided it’s the tooltip, since 50:50 has some advantages with rounding and is overall easier to grasp.
– [misc] Now aliens can start with Guided Missiles.
– [misc] Other combat related adjustments/fixes.

– [interface] Squadron statistics and espionage tooltip has added that Fighters/Heavy Fighters carry 1 bomb each (and how much damage those deal). Also improved missiles tooltip to make it more clear how those work.

– [fix] Armor ship component was not working.
– [fix] Description of Shields fixed (damage reduction incorrectly listed) (as 1/3 while it’s 50%):
– [fix] Incorrect tooltip info (listed as Hardened Shields instead of Hardened Armor).
– [fix] Incorrect position of some interface elements.
– [fix] Several text related fixes (wrong emperor pronoun in one place and other small stuff).

You can follow my Steam Developer Page if you wish to be notified each time a new game or expansions is being released.

Also, if you have a moment to leave a Steam review of the game it would be appreciated. It makes a big difference to an indie developer like me. Thanks!

Legends of Amberland version 1.30

Version 1.30 released

This version backports several improvements and fixes from Legends of Amberland II. This includes improved text visibility on Steam Deck (fonts size), minor improvement of the scroller (visual glitch fix), updated engine (rare bug fixes) and the Armor calculation fix. In addition, Amplify Resistances bug, which was just discovered, was fixed. Have fun!

– [misc] Updated to the newest engine (which fixes some very rare bugs on odd hardware).

– [interface] Slightly bigger item abilities font size.
– [interface] On Steam Deck resolution (1280×800) the item area is automatically made bigger, which allows to fit even bigger font size and therefore the item ability text is even bigger (which is handy when playing on handheld), at the expense on the number of items displayed at once. This is screen resolution based, so while designed specifically for Steam Deck, it will behave the same way on any hardware.

– [fix] Interface scroller visual glitch.
– [fix] Withered tree quest had a small glitch, you had to visit the Wizard again to trigger it.
– [fix] Fix of armor formula (was not working as described).
– [fix] Incorrect Amplify Resistances spell effect (was increasing damage instead of reducing it).

Recently Steam introduced Steam Developer Page if you follow it you will be notified each time I release a new game/expansion/etc. I strongly recommend to follow it.

In addition, if you have a moment could you please leave a Steam review of the game? It does not need to be long. It makes a big difference for an indie developer like me and increases the chance I will be making games in that style in future.

Legends of Amberland II version 1.22.1

Version 1.22.1 released

Hotfix. Due to various strange occurrences the maps in v1.22 became kind of corrupted (some things that were supposed to be locked were open from the start). Which lead to problems with the main storyline. This version patches it and also introduces an autofix for saves that suffered from this bug.

By the way, if you ever have any problems with your saves you can always send them to me to fix manually. Thanks!

– [fix] The previous version (v1.22) introduced corrupted maps data, which makes some grates start open while those should start locked. This allowed to visit places you were not supposed to access and therefore broken the main storyline and made you solftlocked from progressing further.
– [fix] In previous versions there was a story bug possible (softlock) if you visit places in an odd order. This version autofixes such occurrences on old saves. You just need to visit the place you were asked to visit AGAIN and return to the quest giver, it will record properly. Note that you will have it logged as unfinished quest in such case, disregard it, you already completed it. Also, remember that in case of any such problems you can always send me your save file to fix. Note that this version is preventing the bug from happening, this is only to auto fix old saves.

You can follow my Steam Developer Page if you wish to be notified each time a new game or expansions is being released.

Also, if you have a moment to leave a Steam review of the game it would be appreciated. It makes a big difference to an indie developer like me. Thanks!

Legends of Amberland II version 1.22

Version 1.22 released

This version introduces several low priority fixes, small interface improvements, makes full rest more powerful and increases poison damage. Rest was altered, now more statuses are cleared upon full rest, quick rest was not changed. Poison damage was rebalanced, it was made more potent, which I think is needed, especially when the tools to deal with poison are so abundant.

– [misc] Full Rest cures all statuses except Petrified and Poisoned.

– [balance] Poison deals more damage.

– [interface] Character statistics screen shows a tooltip marker upon pressing CTRL or RT on gamepad (this allows seeing tooltips when playing without a mouse).

– [fix] Input stops working correctly upon pressing the IME key on a Japanese keyboard.
– [fix] Untranslated purchase dialogue option.
– [fix] Mysterious Sage was incorrectly called Mystical Sage in one quest description.
– [fix] Translation (German) had HP & MP switched in one place.

You can follow my Steam Developer Page if you wish to be notified each time a new game or expansions is being released.

Also, if you have a moment to leave a Steam review of the game it would be appreciated. It makes a big difference to an indie developer like me. Thanks!

Stellar Monarch 2 version 1.19

Version 1.19 released

This version is one big bug fix. Well, it has one measly interface improvement as well, but other than that, just fixes. Actually, there are many more changes, hidden deep inside, but those are made as a preparation for the upcoming expansion, so more like things that needed to be done but not visible to players at all. In short, the most boring update ever. Move along, nothing to see.

– [interface] Mini house buttons (on the top of the screen) sorted by relations/opinion.

– [fix] Was possible to get diplomatic/infiltration progress towards an extinct race.
– [fix] Was possible for an Admiral to sent negative number of squadrons in some cases.
– [fix] Safeguard against potential memory overflow error.
– [fix] Safeguard against squadron templates with no ships (which could cause negative production). Now at least one ship is guaranteed.
– [fix] Events could include options to add Popular Support to reforms that were already passed. Now all such options only pop up if the reform is not passed yet.
– [fix] Bio Chemical bombs were not destroying defensive installations.
– [fix] All constructions (star bases, etc) upkeep was positive (those added money instead of deducting).
– [fix] One of the previous versions broke budget changes counter, fixed.
– [fix] Turns to research could have been displayed as negative (if there was an abundance of research points).
– [fix] Replacing leaders of the house (rebels punishment option) made the head of the house broken (banquet, phantom person on planets display, etc). In addition to the fix, old saves will have this auto corrected on load.
– [fix] Offensive squadrons were not converted to defensive squadrons upon planet conquest in some cases.
– [fix] When automatic queue of technologies option was used the highest unlocked tech level was not updated (and therefore sometimes too low).
– [fix] Various spelling mistakes.

You can follow my Steam Developer Page if you wish to be notified each time a new game or expansions is being released.

Also, if you have a moment to leave a Steam review of the game it would be appreciated. It makes a big difference to an indie developer like me. Thanks!

Legends of Amberland II demo updated

Demo for Legends of Amberland II has been updated to v1.21

The demo has been updated to the newest build. It also has proper translation, just like the full game.

This makes saves incompatible. If you wish to finish your old game, you can do so by downloading the old v0.40.

Official demo v0.40 download link: (the link will be retired in like a year from now).
This is a simple zip archive, extract it and run LegendsOfAmberland2-demo.exe (no installation needed).

This also means that from now on all new saves can be imported to the full game. Just copy saves from “C:/Users/YOURUSERNAME/AppData/Roaming/Legends of Amberland II Demo” to “C:/Users/YOURUSERNAME/AppData/Roaming/Legends of Amberland II” (the exact path might differ depending on OS used).