Version 1.21 released
This version is the last one before the new expansion is out and contains various improvements which went to the base game during the expansion development. A new feature, when you accumulate a lot of secrets the Head of the house will visit you on their own and propose some deal (many people were forgetting about the Secrets mechanic, now it’s much more straightforward and you don’t need to remember to capitalize on known secrets). Simplified interaction with the head of the house (now there is just a single “Summon to audience” button). Changed randomization of some important events to prepare for influx of new regular random events in the expansion (so those do not compete with each other and so the periodic events are truly periodic no matter how many regular events there are). Manual has been updated. Many usual adjustments and improvements (interface related mostly) and fixes (one quite important).
Also, do not forget to wishlist the expansion now!
– [feature] If you know at least 3 secrets of a house, there is a chance the head of the house will appear during an audience and offer you some deal to forget those (you also have an option to expose them).
– [misc] “F.E.D. Directorship meeting” events are now guaranteed to be called regularly over time (removed from random events pool).
– [misc] Simplified “Summon head of the house to an audience” (merged into a single button).
– [misc] Spouse of a head first dialogue option requires 3 secrets instead of 5 for exchange of favors (to make it in par with the new event where the head visits and offer favors for forgetting secrets).
– [interface] Audience Prev/Next buttons got hotkeys (“<" and ">“).
– [interface] House screen got Prev/Next buttons. Note that those selects houses based on order of seniority (not relations).
– [interface] Mini buttons for houses now also close Help if open.
– [interface] Event effect tooltips showing person stats (Competence/Loyalty/Charisma/Authority/Monarchism) colored with the custom stat’s color.
– [interface] Event effect tooltips showing house stats (Authority/Monarchism) colored with the custom stat’s color.
– [interface] Interact with house button slightly bigger.
– [interface] Tooltips for all alien relations change now shows the aliens crests.
– [manual] Updated manual (also added special [u] tag for displaying colored hotkeys).
– [fix] Ships never miss (the whole accuracy system was broken).
– [fix] Rename house UI window open when switching to another house.
– [fix] Reform slider was missing button arrow icons.
You can follow my Steam Developer Page if you wish to be notified each time a new game or expansions is being released.
Also, if you have a moment to leave a Steam review of the game it would be appreciated. It makes a big difference to an indie developer like me. Thanks!